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Welcome to our tax columns, where we demystify tax laws and offer practical advice. Written by our experienced tax specialists, our columns aim to provide you with the knowledge you need to optimize your tax situation from a legal point of view. From tax planning to transaction implications, let's dive into the fascinating world of taxation!
August 2016

On June 22, 2016, changes to the taxation of inter-corporate dividends officially came into force. These changes applicable to any dividend paid after April 21, 2015 to another company have an impact on how to optimize corporate structures.
March 2011

Trusts demystified
The word is circulating more and more in the business community: "trust". You may have heard one or more of the following expressions: asset protection trust, testamentary trust, income trust, family trust, alter ego trust, etc. There are indeed several types of trusts. This should not be understood as a subject that's too complex to understand - quite the opposite, in fact.
November 2009

To incorporate or not... that's the question!
You are self-employed, have your own business or are thinking of starting one? All businesses operate under one legal form or another. The choice is yours, but how do you choose wisely? The purpose of this article is to analyze the criteria that will allow you to make the right choice between a sole proprietorship and a company.
July 2009

Automobiles and taxation
Rising gas prices have probably affected your finances during the year. For some, the impact has been major, for others the impact was less. Whether you're an employee (commission-based or not), shareholder of a company, self-employed worker or owner of revenue-generating properties, vehicle expenses can represent an attractive tax deduction allowing you to pay less if well planned.
January 2009